Dickerson Literacy Initiatives, LLC
Dickerson Literacy Initiatives (DLI) researches, initiates, and designs specialized literacy projects geared toward Pre-K through high school, with a special focus on the critical years of elementary-aged students.
Literacy stats
The first three years of schooling are a critical time to learn the basic skills needed to tackle a more advanced curriculum, yet many who enter fourth grade struggle with reading. Sixty Five percent of fourth graders read at or below the basic level. As curriculum advances, these children will fall behind. We strive to fill in the gaps by creating opportunity and providing resources!
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Ready to take the next step?
We encourage a love of reading through our projects, which engage the children with positive role models, fun and exuberant book readings, and surprise appearances from familiar characters!
“Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.”
― Maya Angelou